

23 / 11 / 2018

Published the New Income Tax Regulation

It was published in the Official Gazette today Decree No. 9,580, which approved the new Income Tax Regulation (“RIR / 18”), repealing Decree No. 3,000 of 1999 (RIR / 99).

The purpose of RIR / 18 is to consolidate the various tax regulation relating to Income Tax published up to December 31, 2016.

After several legislative amendments, repeals and new standards carried since 1999, tax regulation required a new consolidation, which was a recurring plea by taxpayers and tax authorities themselves.

Moreover, it is not the purpose of RIR / 18 to bring normative changes, but only to carry out drafting adjustments and to include the regulatory developments that occurred up to 2016, as well as the adjustments to the provisions set forth by the Civil Code of 2002 by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015 as well as by Law No. 12,973 of 2014 (which amended tax regulation to the new BR GAAP standard).

The possible developments that this new tax regulation may bring, throughout the 1,050 articles of the RIR / 18 will be analyzed by our staff and published in a timely manner.

The RIR / 18 (only available in Portuguese) can be accessed at the link below:

Please, if necessary, contact us for further clarification.

Leandro L. Zancan