

Leandro L. Zancan

Our Practice

Certified in the Board of Directors Course – IBGC, São Paulo;

Advanced Management Program (AMP 161) – Harvard Business School, Boston;

Bachelor of Laws, Universidade Cândido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro;

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; and

Postgraduate in Capital Markets, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro.

Academic Activities and other information:

Lecturer at INSPER, São Paulo; former Professor of Post Graduation Course in Capital Markets at Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro;

Co-author of the book “Fusões e Aquisições: Aspectos Jurídicos e Econômicos”, IOB; – Project Finance 2009 – Getting the deal through: “Doing Business in Brazil”; and Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation – Volume 19, Issue 1, “Receivable and Private Equity Funds – New Regulation in Brazil”;

Partner at: Barbosa, Mussnich & Aragão Advogados (1997 to 2009); Coopers&Lybrand Auditores e Consultores (1989 to 1997); Zancan & Neves Advogados (1990 to 1997);

Companies BoD member and Audit Committee member.


Portuguese and English.