Complete support in shareholders’ and/or directors’ meetings;
Assistance to the Companies’ management bodies (i.e. Board of Directors and its committees, Board of Executive Officers and Fiscal Council) regarding the procedures to be observed in view of regulations issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM”), as well as communications issued by the Bolsa, Brasil, Balcão (“B3”);
Design and assistance on the implementation of stock option plans;
Assistance on the implementation of best practices in corporate governance;
Assistance in the compliance with the disclosure matters required by the CVM and B3, especially periodic forms (i.e. Reference Form) and extraordinary information (i.e. Relevant Fact and/or Notice to the Market);
Assistance to minority shareholders on their governance rights and oversight of the management/controlling shareholder conduct; and
Assistance on public offerings, including preparation tender offer’ announcement, intermediation agreement and the review of matters related to the appraisal report.